W.H.E.N the 'Handmaid's Tale' becomes reality in Tasmania - a discussion about Tasmania's new 'Women's Health Education Network' charity
Tasmania's Women's Health Network -‘A White Woman's Instagram' health charity
Elite, middle class women from the medical and academic fraternity in Tasmania, have created a new charity, WHEN (Women's Health Education Network) which would appear to be carving out and consolidating the future earnings and career trajectories of its creators, at the expense of Tasmanian women and girls’ bodies and their mental health.
The Banality of Evil: Patient Harm Normalised
Slick and cosmopolitan in design, WHEN’s website is reminiscent of Bo Burnham's 'a white woman's instagram' song and video. WHEN’s website is truly an advertisement for 21st century, consumer driven medicine, in the guise of ‘healthcare’ and ‘choice’.
The Hippocratic Oath is beautifully airbrushed over when it comes to cultivating and accommodating women and girls wanting surgeries like bilateral mastectomies and pharmaceuticals to create masculine illusions or to help men with their female body ideation and fetishes.
Women’s Health Funding for Men
As WHEN lobbies and receives charitable funding from the private sector and the Tasmanian government, it’s notable this funding is being used to support biological men who want to present as female.
A Podcast about simulacrum: normalising drug use, binders, 'packing' and bilateral mastectomies
Podcasts paid for using taxpayer and charitable funds, meant for women’s health, are actually made by WHEN to normalise the harms of ‘gender affirming care’ such as testosterone use, breast binding and surgeries to have breasts removed for cosmetic reasons, or to create a fake penis (phalloplasty) on women who want to present as male.
Glammed Up and Legitimised - the podcast is a denial of reality: i.e the harms of surgery, drugs and binding
The podcast is proliferated with 'coffee table' - like chit-chat from two middle-class women presenters (with private health insurance, who want to look like men) about how women who for instance might need to bind their breasts 'safely' and be reminded not to wear the binder for too long, particularly if ‘they’re under 18’ because of its affect on breast tissue health and development.
The podcast’s normalising of testosterone drug use, (and ironically no mention of increased cancer risk and therefore vigilance) breast-binding and the ways to alleviate their side effects on women’s pelvic floor or fertility is spectacular in its banal, everyday delivery and should warrant investigation.
Though the podcast is titled ‘Pelvic Floor Health’ half the podcast is about breast binding and bizarrely about ‘packing’ (00:30) - women/girls stuffing something like a sock into their pants - to create the bulge of a penis.
The mixed up, confused discussion on binding’s effects, the damage they admit having done to their bodies, their clandestine access to binders, spoken of in a matter-of -fact manner, is dystopian.
The podcast is bizarre in the way the presenters discuss how binders and counterfeit vaginas, penises and packing can impact pelvic floor health. There is no reticence in the discussion that what they are describing is malfeasance or iatrogenic outcomes. Fetishes, delusions and dis - ease with one’s body is accommodated and normalised.
The presenters state WHEN is a medical and ‘research team’ who set the guidelines and recommendations for binding.
The life long effects of all these ‘gender affirming’ treatments on women’s bodies are never discussed in this podcast. Such conversations normalising maladaptive behaviours and interventions and the effect it has on young adolescent girls are not documented by WHEN or noted in the podcast. Nor is there any discussion about how detransitioning might affect a pelvic floor.
A Facade of Integrity
Evidence based medicine is secondary, when people like discredited Melbourne Dr Telfer, ACON , the Rainbow Project and miscellaneous hospitals are cited as a basis for substantiating mutilations like binding girls and women's breasts and bilateral mastectomies.
Life long medical patients/ customers are guaranteed when faux community help medical charities like WHEN are willing to misconstrue medical facts and use language in order to lie to the women and girls they are purporting to help.
WHEN appoints individuals and organisations with invested interests as its ‘clinic governance’. Those who monetarily benefit from WHEN’s services are those which regulate it: individuals who are listed as working on projects within the organisation, like Dr Rhea Pserackis are also on its clinical governance committee.
WHEN’s clinical governance is itself.
Public trust in medicine is already undermined after Covid, and organisations like this are adding to that problem.
Like Working It Out who use tax payers money to provide financial support to youth and adults to access ‘gender affirming care’ such as buying binders, hormones and paying for documentation, WHEN is facilitating similar access, alluding to medical professionals who are sympathetic to ‘gender affirming care’.
Pretty Vacant in Your Little Black Dress -
“There’s no point in asking, you’ll get no reply…” Johnny Rotten -Sex Pistols
It’s no use asking politicians to investigate this issue, who refuse to ask constituents questions in parliament about WHEN and other organisations pushing the normalisation of ‘gender affirming care’ at taxpayer expense. Like the silence around Jimmy Saville for years, the people in power protect the abusers and are the gatekeepers of abuse. As long as ‘gender affirming care’ is a vote winner, the morality of it is not open for debate.
Euphemistic language and pursuing their own interests in the guise of 'women's health' and giving 'choice', WHEN's website lists an array of well-to-do Tasmanian elites (both women and men) ready to shut up and deliver customised medical mutilations and drugs aka ‘services’ to female and male patients, which are designer and consumer focused.
Medical Ethics Abandoned - medical language supplanted
"Back Passage Erogenous or Erectile Tissue
Front Passage Internal Genitalia..." Terms listed in WHEN's glossary
Seeking to commandeer language to neutralise opposition, WHEN's website comes with its own glossary which encompasses new anatomical terms for male and female bodies, as well euphemisms for invasive medical procedures.In reality, WHEN is about fracturing women and girls: our language, bodies and experiences. WHEN presents a surgical theatre of the absurd, with surrealist discussions and narratives, removed from the realities of everyday women’s lives.
Handmaidens of Tasmania include:
Dr Rhea PserackisPeta Titter
Alex Ennis
Oliver Polzin
Morgan Kent
Katie Ennis
Dr Anna Bamford
Dr Miranda Hann
Lizzie Hosken
Emma Rayner
I will not be whist
Definition of 'wisht'
2. silent or still. verb. 3. to make or become silent.
2. silent or still. verb. 3. to make or become silent.
What happens to migrant women or the vulnerable girls and women in Tasmania who are shown in stats to have some of the lowest literacy and numeracy rates nationally and get 'sucked in' and harmed by these elite women (handmaidens) pursuing their career and consumer lead health goals, who refuse to tell the truth?
In a charity for women, why doesn't WHEN discuss the wait lists for women in the public health system for joint replacements, and how WHEN's demand for funding, takes away from the state government's health budget, for the legitimate needs of ordinary Tasmanians on low wages.
When mainstream media refuses to do its job and journalists refuse to uphold their role in a free democracy, they become the tool of the wealthy and powerful, they compromise critical thinking and fail to give a voice to protect the marginalised in Tasmania.
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