The Sterilisation and the Mutilation of Tasmanian Children: Outcomes of The Tasmanian Gender Service and its Subsequent Fertility Advice to its Child Patients

Tasmania's own 'gender service' (TGS) offers fertility counselling to children who are questioning their gender, and who, as a result of undertaking the TGS's non-evidence based 'medical interventions' for their non-life threatening condition of 'gender dysphoria', may  be sterilised as a result.  Despite this blatant human rights violation, the Tasmanian Government, the Tasmanian medical fraternity and all political parties remain silent. 

Tasmanian Gender Service (TGS) | Tasmanian Department of Health

In Plain Sight

The Royal Hobart Hospital's Tasmanian Gender Service (TGS) writes plainly on their website, that whilst offering non-evidence based, sterilising treatments, i.e "puberty blocker and gender affirming hormones", it will help children to discuss their fertility and counsel them on their fertility options.

In this way, the TGS openly admits its ‘treatments’ detrimentally affects a child’s fertility.

A Child Can Consent to Sterilisation?

The Australian Human Rights Commission underscores the fact child sterilisations disproportionately affects girls and women - and that children cannot consent to sterilisation. This Human Rights page clearly outlines the predicament:

The TGS knows, as it has been widely published and even established by its own cowboy 'professional' body WPATH and Auspath,  - that children cannot fully comprehend and therefore consent to ‘gender affirming’ treatments, which invariably sterilise them. 

There is no justification for sterilisation, unless it is to undergo lifesaving treatments for conditions like cancer. Gender dysphoria cannot be argued as being life threatening, yet this is what the TGS does by trotting out 'children will die if not affirmed in their declared gender’. The Cass Report and all other research clearly refutes this narrative; the lie that suicide will result from a failure to implement 'gender affirming care'. The Threat of Suicide: without evidence

The sterilisation of children is a human rights violation.

The Tasmanian Government is funding the sterilisation of children. The TGS website clearly states it provides fertility counselling:

It’s been widely known since last year, with the release of the files  WPATH - Sterilisation of Children and the issue of informed consent- that WPATH knows children are unable to give consent and it’s difficult for families to fully understand the ramifications of treatments that will invariably sterilise their children when it is clouded by lies saying treatments are reversible, or your child will die if not affirmed.

The TGS follows this lead and is open about it. Its website by implication of offering fertility counselling as a result of it conducting life-altering, and not life-saving treatments, shows that the TGS knows what it does to children is iatrogenic.

Spectacularly, at the same time further down on its website, it admits a gender identity is changeable and that the TGS seeks to assist children to "manage the uncertainty of how their gender feelings may change". So why is the TGS still allowed to offer non-evidence based interventions that set children on a course of ill-health for life: destroying healthy fertility and sexuality function, when they know children might change their minds?

Biased and Unprofessional - Doctors should face criminal charges and be struck off

With a team of Doctors and nurses at the Royal Hobart Hospital like the head of its gender service, - who signs her emails as a trans ally and who displays a solid belief in the metaphysical concept of a 'gender identity' by popping (she/her) pronouns after her name,  -  there can be little doubt for parents about where such doctors and their colleagues professional and independent 'scientific' opinion lie. Independence cannot be guaranteed when emails are signed as follow:

What hope is there for parents and caregivers to get the courage to question or ask about what 'other options' or 'new research' there might be for their child, other than 'gender affirmation' when this is the state of play?

A Triangulation of Thought and Pseudo Scientific Understanding 

The TGS works in accord with the Tasmanian Education DepartmentTasmanian Family Planning and Working it Out, whose whole staff sign their emails this way, and indeed even the Anti-Discrimination Commissioner and their staff insert pronouns after their email signatures and thus compound the lack of freedom of thought or fair hearing around the unquestioning allegiance to gender identity ideology.
Such word salads and junk science as displayed on the TGS website, spin the narrative to parents and caregiver that gender identities are real and must be accommodated: medically and surgically. This is underscored by the summing up statement of all arguments supporting what's put forward as an inevitable but necessary outcome, such as sterilisation: "would you prefer a dead son or a live daughter". 

As has been stated before here, the  Cass Report and all other research clearly refutes the suicidal narrative; that suicide will result from a failure to implement 'gender affirming care'. The Threat of Suicide: without evidence

The Ghost of Mengele - WW II Experiments on healthy children

With seemingly little memory of WWII Nazi officer's Dr Mengele’s experiments on children (or any understanding of accepted child/adolescent psychological development) Tasmania's own TGS conducts what are in fact child experiments, without questioning or oversight from any medical board, politician or political party who should be questioning the TGS' ethical implications of its experimental practices and the information it audaciously promotes on its website. There is no follow-up of patients, long term accountability or information kept by the TGS about patients who de-transition.


Astoundingly and brazenly, in relation to patient follow-up and because its chemical treatments are experimental, the TGS sees oversight and research as an optional extra:
With arrogance, it ignores current overseas best practice in light of scrutiny from the Cass Report which sees the UK now mandate strident research oversight as a requirement of chemical treatments. 

Arrogance Personified

Instead, our Tasmanian Health system proudly states it follows the lead of the poorly rated Melbourne Children's Hospital Gender Clinic, which were damned in the Cass Report and requires no child to be followed up with clinical oversight/research collection.It argues 'Australia is a different context'. Yet, Hilary Cass recently was the focus of a webinar in 2024, run by the Australian National Association of Practicing Psychiatrists where all participants agreed it was more than applicable to the Australian context.

Instead in Tasmania, the TGS operates with the arrogance of the Boston Children's Hospital which have proudly and publicly offered child sterilisation and mutilation for years. They demonstrate the extent to which western medicine can operate when debate is silenced and the political climate enables ideology to trump medical ethics and peer reviewed evidence. The Boston Children's Hospital have been called out as

Political Expediency Trumps Child Safety

The Tasmania Government uses tax funded money to place children on a medical pathway for life, under the euphemism of 'gender affirming care' with impunity. This malfeasance operates unquestioned in Tasmania, despite hard evidence children who are placed on chemical interventions go onto surgical interventions, that are in fact mutilations, making them patients for life. 

The TGS indulges non-evidence based practices applauding its ability to fabricate 'gender' performance and create body simulacrum. These are in fact nullification surgeries of female and male children's bodies. 

Silence: Just Crickets

How is the Royal Hobart Hospital not questioned by our state politicians or ABC media? All calls for review are dampened with the statement 'we cannot create public scrutiny of vulnerable trans communities and families'. The TGS like the Royal Melbourne Children's Hospital continues to state the Cass Review is not relevant to Tasmania as 'we are so different to the UK’, but this has been refuted. 

Disappointingly, Dr Anette Barret, Tasmania's head of the AMA has been on public radio recently defending the TGS' practices 

Dr Barret will not acknowledge the controversy already rising in 2023 from her own ranks - 

Tasmanian Doctors Behaving like Cowboys

We already have evidence that Tasmanian GPs refer children, whom they have never met before, directly to endocrinologists at the Royal Hobart Hospital, after 20 minute consults - and this is without parental consent. 

We are not different to the UK’s Tavistock Clinic, nor are we world's best practice. We are currently a rogue state.

