BREAST BINDING IS NOT SAFE - it is a form of self harm. Controversially, 'Working it Out' doesn't see it this way: instead it instructs teachers to support the practice in the cause of diversity and inclusion.
Artists all know that - Women's Bodies are not Male Bodies
When recently popping into a politician’s office, a staffer there mentioned to me, that the words 'chest-binding' brought to his mind Chinese foot-binding - an interesting comparison.
Why and how can this be happening?
Apparently ‘Safe binding' (not sports bras) apparently liberates access to sport
Far from being anything oppressive like Chinese foot binding, teachers are trained by WIO to see ‘chest binding’ as a normal activity gender dysphoric girls may need to be supported to do.
It’s not the binding that needs questioning WIO insist, but any breathing difficulties arising when girls play sport, when wearing their possibly ill-fitting binders. Tasmanian teachers are encouraged to step in here and provide Breast binding cards to the student to help them ‘chest bind safely’.
WIO is a cheerleader and driver of girls bodies being medicalised.
WIO should be removed from delivering any information to staff and students and be defunded because of its harmful content.
It creates a smoke screen for the damage it is doing, normalising girls mutilating their bodies, under the guise of 'diversity and inclusion' using obfuscating language such as the euphemisms 'chest-binding', 'normalisation', 'participation' and 'acceptance'.
Referring constantly to the department's own policies and procedures - as seen in the slide here, WIO interprets the Tasmanian Anti-discrimination Act (1998) to justify its bizarre directives to schools and teachers. Slide from WIO teacher training session 2024
WIO - proposes designer bodies and the nullification of all that it is to be female
WIO - a sacred cow; a protected class
Tasmania grants WIO $900,000
In its running of professional learning sessions to Tasmanian teachers in 2024, under the banner of Inclusion in Sport - Supporting Gender Diversity in Schools in HPE, resources such as these Breast binding cards are offered to teachers as a resource, to hand to students and other groups. The information on them has no evidence or medical oversight. This slide from WIO teacher training session shows just how normalised they see breast binding:
Hijacking of Female Language
Working it Out Discourages Safeguarding
A picture tells a thousand words - the truth about Binding
You cannot buy a binder from KMART, Rebel Sports, Big W or any retail outlet, yet the Tasmanian Government (DECYP) facilitates access to binders through Working it Out
Interestingly, WIO have no equivalent slide in their teacher presentation, about male students, who have gender dysphoria, being supported to tuck their penis safely away, whilst playing sport.
Biological reality is now a negotiable for DECYP and WIO, when teaching about the female reproductive system
It’s not appropriate the Tasmania Government fund Working it Out, to train teachers to disconnect the word ‘uterus’ and other parts of the female human reproductive system, from the word ‘woman’, when teaching students about the human reproductive system.
Students and WIO should not be dictating the curriculum to teachers, by trumping 'student voice' as more important than evidenced based pedagogy and adolescent development theories.
Slide from WIO teacher training session 2024
WORKING IT OUT undermines basic safeguarding principles and girls’ rights to dignity, safety and privacy
It’s not appropriate teachers are being trained to bully girls into sharing change room facilities with boys, who identify as girls. As this WIO slide shows, when no gender-neutral facilities are available, girls must override their desire to have privacy and to safeguard themselves or else be seen as participating in the 'harassment' of boys ('trans women/girls') who wish to use their change- rooms.
All slides appeared in WIO's professional learning for DECYP teachers of Physical Education (HPE) July 30th 2024 - Professional learning Institute.
Please write to the following politicians to voice your concerns -
Tasmanian Minister for Education, The Hon. Jo Palmer to voice your concerns:
Southern Ministerial Office: Level 1, 7 Franklin Wharf, Hobart, 7000. Phone: (03) 6165 9420
Northern Ministerial Office: Public Building, 53 St John Street, Launceston, 7250. Phone: (03) 6777 1018
Electorate Office: 236 West Tamar Road, Riverside 7250. Phone: (03) 6324 2002
Parliament House: Legislative Council, Parliament House, Hobart. 7000. Phone: (03) 6212 2346 Fax: (03) 6212 2345